A Leader In Mass Transfer Tower Packing Since 1988. - JIANGXI KELLEY CHEMICAL PACKING CO., LTD

CPVC Teller Rosette Ring Project


The customer has ordered the product CPVC Teller Rosette Ring φ73mm, the quantity is 110 cubic meters, and the delivery needs to be completed in 10 days according to the customer's request.

The production schedule is tight. In order to deliver in time, our production workshop deploys 2 sets of molds to start at the same time, and works overtime 24 hours a day. The quality and quantity of CPVC Teller Rosette Ring are delivered ahead of schedule. It has successfully arrived at the Jilin project side.


CPVC Teller Rosette Ring is mainly used in the ion-exchange membrane caustic soda process. It requires tower packing to be resistant to the corrosion of hot alkali, chlorine and hypochlorous alkali above 60~90℃. Generally, metal packing and ceramic packing are not resistant to hot alkali corrosion, and there is a blockage phenomenon. , Resulting in poor separation effect of tower equipment and frequent replacement. Ordinary plastic packing is not resistant to corrosion by chlorine and hypochlorous acid.

Polypropylene packing has the characteristics of large porosity, low pressure drop and mass transfer unit, high flooding point, sufficient vapor-liquid contact, small specific gravity, and high mass transfer efficiency. It is mostly used in gas scrubbing and purification towers.

Post time: Feb-16-2022